Zverejnenie výzvy 1. a 2. výzvy hodnotiteľov v programe ENI HUSKROUA CBC 2014 – 2020
- Od: 13.12.2017 do: 15.01.2018
- Operačný program: Programy cezhraničnej spolupráce
Dovoľujeme si vás informovať, že program ENI HUSKROUA CBC 2014 – 2020 hľadá hodnotiteľov pre hodnotenie predložených projektov v programe. Informácie pre záujemcov o hodnotenie projektov nájdete na nasledujúcom linku:

The Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme is launching the Call for Assessors to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to join the Programme’s Pool of Assessors. The Pool is set up for the period of 2017-2020 and will be updated, if needed.
The aim of the Call is to invite to apply interested candidates possessing adequate experience and knowledge in the areas of cross-border cooperation, regional development, sectoral fields that are of Programme concern, as well as specificities of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine bordering region and set up the Pool of Assessors.
The assessors selected from the Pool will provide assistance to the Programme in evaluating the project applications submitted under the 1st and 2nd Calls for Proposals, their documentations and in preparing the decision related to the selection of the awarded projects.
The Pool of Assessors will include candidates fulfilling the requested requirements and meeting the selection criteria. Only the assessors registered in the Pool of Assessors will take part in the assessment process. In order to be eligible, applicants have to comply with the criteria listed in the Terms of Reference annexed to this Call that also contains other important details related to the tasks to be performed. The applications must be submitted by 15 January 2018.
The documents concerned to the present call can be downloaded from bellow.
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